(Democrats from Santa Rosa and Okaloosa Counties
attend Gaetz speech in Niceville 3.29.21)
On Monday March 29th, Democrats from across the Panhandle attended the Matt Gaetz (R) speech at the Niceville-Valparaiso Chamber of Commerce. We were there to highlight his failings as a legislator. As a second term Congressman, Gaetz has not sponsored or passed any significant legislation. He has been the subject of several ethics complaints which include threatening a witness and compromising national security with a media stunt in which he stormed a secure location in the Capitol building. In addition, he is in the top 25% of “absent” legislators, meaning he doesn’t even bother to show up to do the job he was elected to do. It seems he is more interested in Tweeting, appearing on Fox News, and traveling to other states on behalf of Donald Trump and GOP candidates. Check out a video of us at the event HERE.
Little did we know that the very next day, we would learn that Gaetz is under investigation for having sex with a minor and faces sex trafficking charges for transporting a minor across state lines for the purposes of having sex. More than one person has noted that Gaetz was the ONLY no vote on a 2017 Human Trafficking Bill. Day by day, the case has grown more bizarre with allegations of extortion, wire taps, and the apparent involvement of the family of an ex-FBI agent who went missing in Iran. And while we are not sure how this all will shake out, we are sure that Matt Gaetz is not fit to represent the Panhandle in Congress. Perhaps Gaetz, who has a long career of surviving scandals, will finally be brought down by these charges. We believe it is likely that he will either resign or be removed from Congress. If that’s the case, there will be a special election to replace him. We need to start preparing now for this election and ask that you consider making a donation HERE. We will mobilize our volunteers to support the Democratic nominee, but it costs money to do mailings, print door hangers, and launch texting campaigns. Give what you can so we can elect the next leader worthy of Florida values.