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February Update 2021

Writer's picture: Santa Rosa Democratic PartySanta Rosa Democratic Party

Updated: Apr 15, 2021

Here in Santa Rosa County, we all want many of the same things. We want good schools for our children. We want good jobs that pay a living wage. We want access to quality, affordable medical care. We want clean drinking water and easy access to our beautiful beaches.

Unfortunately, some of our local leaders are either ignoring those priorities or actively working against them. Our Representative in the US House is traveling the country campaigning for Donald Trump instead getting to work in the best interest of our community. Our County Commission is ignoring the will of their constituents and actively spreading dangerous and disproved conspiracy theories.

The good news is that we have the power to fight back. As the local Democratic Party, we are actively working both here in Santa Rosa and in coordination with the surrounding counties to not just voice opposition to these dangerous politicians, but to present an alternative, positive message that will inspire people to vote and act for change.

We know that when we band together as a community, we can make a difference. It takes work and it takes time, but we are ready for that battle and we appreciate that your are too.

Here are some ways to push for the change that we all want to see.

Action Alerts

We now have a team in charge of monitoring the state legislature, our County Commission, and our local City Councils for any issues that will significantly affect our community.

Whenever there’s a key issue in front of one of those bodies, our team will craft an action alert that we will send to you. Each action alert explains the issue at hand, explains why we are either in favor of it or opposed to it, provides a few key talking points, and tells you exactly how to get in touch with the politicians who need to hear from us.

This is a great way to make a difference right from the comfort of your home. We’ve already seen this work too, as just a couple of weeks ago our County Commission tabled three resolutions after receiving 27 public comment forms against them.

If we consistently speak out as a collective, we can beginning shaping this community according to the values we hold most dear. This is an easy and effective way to do just that.

2021 Priorities

We have mapped out our priorities for 2021 and have started putting teams together to accomplish them. If you are interested in helping out in any of the following areas, or if you’d like to know more, please reply and let us know:

  • Legislative oversight (see the Action Alerts summary above)

  • Direct voter outreach

  • Volunteer recruitment and coordination

  • Fundraising

  • Communications

  • Candidate recruitment and support

  • Community engagement

  • Voter protection

Monthly Meeting

Our next monthly meeting is Thursday, February 18 at 6pm. This is a great opportunity to hear more about what we’re up to and to tell us what you’d like to see from our organization. You can register for the meeting here: You are also welcome to attend any of our other local Democratic meetings:

  • The Democratic Black Caucus is meeting on Thursday, February 11 at 6pm. For more information please contact Sandi Smith at

  • The Democratic Women’s Club is meeting on Monday, February 22 at 6pm. For more information, please contact Cecilia Newman at 850-450-7518 or

Thank You

As always, thank you for all that you do. Your efforts and your activism are making this community a better place for all of us.

If you have any feedback or questions for us, you can reach us at 850-396-1935 or We will always be happy to hear from you.

In the meantime, stay safe and have a great week!

Matt Becker Chair, Santa Rosa Democrats

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